Tucson Comic Con: 2023

For labor day, again, we went to Tucson for Comic Con. It was a lot of fun, and oddly enough, we didn’t dress for it this year. I guess we just weren’t feeling it. We more or less “bounded” kind of like Disney-Bounding, where you wear an outfit that is more casual but is in the style or color of a character, without actually dressing as them.

Our first day there, where we ran into our friends, Allysen and Brian, was at a bit where people were painting mini D&D models and it was a lot of fun! I’ve always wanted to do that, but didn’t have the big collection of paints and I also never really played D&D, I played an offshoot when TMNT had their own. I remember it was in 1984 or 1985 when it came out and a friend down the street was into it and I was just into the ninja stories.

I chose a sorceress as I still play Diablo 2 and she’s my character that I got through Hell with. RESPECT!

We attended several panels that our friends happen to be presenting at and took photos with many we knew. Its a good time to do the fun nerdy and geeky things! I didn’t get photos with everyone, I’ll have to do better next year!

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