Tucson Comic-Con

Jaime is part of a group that got together and did some creative work on replicating an artist’s interpretation of the Avengers, which I think is being called the #FancyAvengers 

There was so much work that was needed to get it going and even the night before, Allysen and Jaime were working into the early morning hours running their sewing machines and talking each other out of quitting… Even before we left on Friday, we took the extra time for Jaime to work on her dress and didn’t get to Tucson until the night.

Saturday, we took a good part of the day to try and enjoy the hotel’s breakfast and then wander over with Mariah to the convention center to meet up with everybody and take in what Tucson Comic-Con had to offer. Here are some photos from Saturday

After dinner, Jaime and I walked back to our hotel, and the sewing began. Shortly afterwards, Allysen came over with all her stuff and eventually they came to their finished products. Hours later, after some sleep, the #FancyAvengers assembled, slowly, and eventually later in the afternoon, we finally got with the photographer. Here are some photos that we were able to get that aren’t the official ones.

Overall, the event was enjoyable and fun. It’s definitely one for the list for Cosplayers, Nerds, and Geeks to go to.

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