Spartan Super 2017

We finished the Spartan Super! 8.47 miles of what felt like mostly only going uphill in shitty terrain! Would definitely have done better if my knee wasn’t messed up. Also, Damien was just getting over a really bad cold.

It was great hanging out with old friends I haven’t seen in a long time. Most obstacles are easy, it’s the terrain and challenges that suck, like carrying heavy sandbags or buckets of rock up and down hillsides worn smooth by countless other Spartans and trying not to fall.

I definitely love Arizonans, there are so many friendly people at events who are supportive, encouraging, and motivating. 

It was definitely an experience. One more for the trifecta!


The whole team (minus four no-shows/postpones)

Ran into Cory, my Marine brother!

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