Car Updates to Enable Self-Driving

Rachel Maddow has a video on the self-driving car and how some cars today, already have the basic functionality, and just require the update.

What isn’t covered, is how laws and law enforcement will perceiveĀ inebriated or sight impaired drivers if they are technically not driving.

I’ve said it before that laws still haven’t caught up with technology. If you get mugged, you call the police, if your house is robbed, you call the police, if your email account is hacked and used to reset your bank password, and all your money is wired to another country… you call the bank. Local law enforcement can’t do anything about it. I can think of many scenarios where one would get pulled over. How would one refute charges if they are a passenger in their own car?

As with most exciting and new technology products, has enough security testing been done? 2,000,000 vehicles use the hackable Snapshot from Progressive.

It’s exciting still to think about it, watch the video.

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