Worst Passwords of 2014

An analysis of the most leaked passwords that were posted online throughout 2014, out of the 3.3 million passwords leaked online, the most common, Top 15 were:

  1. 123456
  2. password
  3. 12345
  4. 12345678
  5. qwerty
  6. 1234567890
  7. 1234
  8. baseball
  9. dragon
  10. football
  11. 1234567
  12. monkey
  13. letmein
  14. abc123
  15. 111111

Here’s SplashData’s full list. If your password is on here, you should probably consider changing it to something complex, using upper case and lower case, incorporating the use of numbers and symbols, and even setting up two factor or two step.

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