Protecting Personal Information

  • Secure your accounts: Ask for protection beyond passwords. Many account providers now offer additional ways for you verify who you are before you conduct business on that site.
  • Make passwords long and strong: Combine capital and lowercase letters with numbers and symbols to create a more secure password.
  • Unique account, unique password: Keep separate passwords for every account.
  • Write it down and keep it safe: Everyone can forget a password. Keep a list that’s stored in a safe, secure place away from your computer.
  • Own your online presence: When available, set the privacy and security settings on websites (like Facebook) to your comfort level for information sharing. It’s OK to limit how and with whom you share information.

Discussing passwords is sometimes boring, but here are some posts that can lighten your day!

Here is my post on Arnold about Passwords, it’s funny!
Try Passweird out!
Some good clean comedy about passwords and websites with comedian Don Frieson.

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