3 Ways on How I Stay Current On Cyber Security News

I’m often told ‘late breaking news’ by others in my profession about a breach or hack and it is sometimes something that I’ve already known about and read, and probably even already posted on my website!
I have my resources and you should too! Here are some ways to stay in the know on late breaking cyber security news.

  1. Set up Google Alerts to email you when something new gets indexed. For self reputation management, I like to do a Google alert on myself.
  2. Get a news aggregator. I like to use Feedly.com. I then subscribe to a bunch of rss feeds, which are fed out by time stamp.
    When I click on the top category Security in the left pane, it lists everything on the right pane in chronological order.
  3. Use Twitter and follow the right news sources. Twitter has a 140 character limit, making news digestible. Often times a tweet is quicker and faster for news sources to get out, than a well written article with multimedia embedded. Plus the ability to favorite a tweet or re-tweeting gives you quick bookmarks that you can come back to if you are on a busy schedule. I’ll often re-tweet interesting things during the day so I can read and absorb later when I’m on the couch at the end of the day.


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