Phoenix Comic Con 2013

For my brother’s birthday we got him tickets to the Phoenix Comic Convention (Comic Con). Since we’ve never been to one either, we also got tickets for us. We also wanted to completely dress up for it.

I helped Damien by pointing him to a cool website where he could get a skin suit of the black Spider-man, it fit him so well and he has the right body type for it. It was great to see how many people wanted to interact with him and take pictures with him. Even John Barrowman told him that he had a great costume, which, coincidentally, we just were introduced to, by watching Doctor Who a few nights before this event. Before we left, we bought Damien a Venom mask which totally works well with his Black Spider-man outfit.

When we got there, there were some really cool vehicles just outside.

Jaime outdid herself with latex and makeup and fake blood, she did so well that the pictures I posted on Facebook before we left, caused many people to inquire if she was alright, I even got a call from my mom. How cool! Her outfit was Rain of the Umbrella Corporation (Resident Evil), she had a group of Umbrella Corp soldiers attack her. Haha, that was fun.

My brother dressed as Ashley James “Ash” Williams, from the Evil Dead and Army of Darkness. Before we even walked into the event, people were asking to take photos with him. Super cool! His wife Courtney was a Zombie from the 80s. That was a hoot.

I got to meet Dean Cain, though I wasn’t a big Lois & Clark fan, he was an actual Superman. He was actually very charismatic and in the minute or two I interacted with him, felt like we were buddies. I’m definitely a fan now.

If you go, bring a reusable water bottle, they have water stations so you don’t have to buy little bottles of water for $2-3. Eat a decent breakfast before going too as food is somewhat event level pricey for low quality.

I really admire the artwork and stories that many of the artists had displayed in their booths. Some of their stuff was mindblowingly awesome. It has to be tough to break into the comic industry and to get a following. Kudos to them.

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